~ Your Humble Host
Seriously – If you intentionally came to a site called “PERVY TOONS” but didn’t want to see naked butts & boobs, then I’m not sure what to tell you.
I draw.
It’s not so much a hobby as it is therapy. If I draw, I’m ok. If I don’t draw, then I’m something else. And I want to be ok, so I draw.
I prefer to draw in ink. It feels good. I like the bumps on the page the ink leaves. The scratch of the quill, the smell of the ink. It’s good for the soul. Coloring things is terrifying, but I’m getting more used to it.
This site is where I’m going to post some of my favorite drawings. Some of them are very erotic. I hope you like them.
Here’s a couple examples of what I draw.
Sometimes I draw comics based on my own stories.

Sometimes the comics are very naughty.

Sometimes the stories come straight out of my id, and they only make sense if you are broken like me.

Sometimes they’re about me.

Sometimes they’re about friends.

Whatever they are, I have a lot of them, and I guess it’s time to get them online.